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TECEone - Hygiene & Features

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TECEone - Hygiene & Features

Less is more.

Hygienic freshness without the need for instructions.

Purely intuitive

Die Temperaturauswahl von dem Dusch-WC TECEone.
Temperature controller to set the water temperature up to 38°C

With side-mounted controls on the ceramic unit, you can easily adjust the water temperature and flow rate by simply turning the dial. The centrally positioned shower arm extends automatically with water pressure, ensuring ease of use. Additionally, various nozzle caps are available to customise the angle and strength of the water jet, providing a personalised cleaning experience.

Der Spülstab in Funktion von dem Dusch-WC TECEone.
The shower arm is activated and extended by the pressure of the water flow.

Tested for excellance

The specialist magazine SBZ, in collaboration with the University of Esslingen, conducted a practical test of ten shower toilets. Among them, TECEone stood out as the only shower toilet without an electrical connection, earning top marks in nearly all categories.

TECEone excelled particularly in delivering a pure and effective cleaning performance, thanks to its high-quality nozzles and self-cleaning shower arm. One significant advantage highlighted was the intense water volume flow, achieved without the need for a boiler or water heaters. This feature underscores the benefits of a power-free shower toilet like TECEone.

Innovation made by TECE

How do you design a toilet with a shower function that is easy to install and can be seamlessly integrated into any bathroom? Our answer is TECEone.

Das Dusch-WC TECEone ist der Beweis dafür, dass moderne Technik auch ohne Strom funktioniert.

The power of water.

TECEone demonstrates that modern technology can function without electricity. By harnessing the power of water, the shower function is controlled through water pressure. The warm water for hygienic cleaning is sourced directly from the water pipe. It's as simple as that!

No power supply needed

Complicated electronics, large dimensions, and high costs have often been seen as drawbacks in the installation of shower toilets. TECEone changes the game: without the need for electricity, it's as simple to install as a shower fitting. TECEone is intuitive and convenient to use, while its elegant and compact design ensures it fits seamlessly into any bathroom.

Noticeable comfort

Das Dusch-WC TECEone verfügt über einen ergonomisch geformten Sitz, der höchsten Komfort bietet.

Naturally, TECEone meets key standards for comfort in modern sanitary technology. It features an ergonomically designed, wiggle-free toilet seat and a soft close drop function, ensuring a comfortable and quiet experience.

Fresh every time

Das Dusch-WC TECEone ist durch ein spülrandloses Design leicht zu reinigen und der Duschstab reinigt sich vor und nach jeder Nutzung sogar von selbst.

Thanks to its rimless design, TECEone is especially easy to clean. The shower arm also offers a self-cleaning feature, with fully automatic rinsing occurring before and after each use. Additionally, the pre-rinse function allows for the flushing out of cooled water in the pipe, ensuring a more comfortable experience.