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Die WC-Betätigungsplatten-Serie TECEsolid ist besonders robust und bietet Varianten mit manueller und elektronischer Betätigung.

TECEsolid toilet electronics

Touch-free actuation for more hygiene

With the introduction of TECEsolid Electronic, TECE expands its range of flush plates to include touch-free operation. Similar to the manual version, the electronic TECEsolid flush plate is extremely robust, making it ideal for public and semi-public spaces. The intuitive dual-flush technology supports water conservation and reliably enables contactless, highly hygienic flushing.

TECEsolid elektroninė plokštelė su jutikliu

Hygiene to retrofit

TECEsolid Hygiene zum Nachrüsten

The 6 V battery version of the TECEsolid toilet electronics allows for easy retrofitting of a hygiene flush function in cold water networks. The robust flush plate is compatible with all TECEbox cisterns, and power is supplied by a durable, waterproof battery pack. This retrofit solution enables the selection of hygiene flush intervals at 24, 56, 72, 168, or 336 hours. Programming and monitoring are straightforward and intuitive using the free TECEsmartcontrol app.

Camera technology in the sensor

Utilising sensor technology derived from camera systems—an innovation being used for the first time in a toilet flush plate—TECEsolid can distinguish between deliberate activation movements and other user motions, reducing unintentional flushing. The integrated hygiene and interval flush programme, easily programmable via an app, enhances hygiene in semi-public and public areas.

Berührungslose Auslösung - ToF-Sensor

Time of Flight sensors

Time of Flight (ToF) sensors measure and interpret movements in three dimensions and over time. TECE is now using this advanced technology in toilet flush plates for the first time. The new sensor offers significantly greater precision in measuring distances compared to traditional infrared sensors and can differentiate between various movements in the room, as well as detecting hand and sitting positions. This allows flushing to less likely be triggered by in-animate object movements (e.g. toilet seat). When someone enters the detection range, the button areas (offering single or dual-flush options) illuminate. Flushing is activated when the user's hand comes within approximately two centimetres of the sensor. If the user forgets to flush, an automatic safety flush is triggered. This touch-free activation, combined with the safety flush feature, meets the hygiene standards in public toilets.