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A world of solutions.

TECE is an innovator in the sanitary installation sector. We make an impact with products that can be used to build an entire world.
With well-thought-out solutions, reliable technology, long-lasting functions and timeless design.

Get to know us better.

TECE provides expertise in the following fields of competence:

Freedom in Design

Design and creation – TECEdrainline

Design & Creation

Architecture evolves in line with social changes. Functional and aesthetic demands are increasing in all living spaces, including in the bathroom. Whether private or public. That is why freedom in design is more important than ever before.

Reliability in Project Business

Project en planning - Appartementengebouw Tetris Hall, Kievaus Lithouwen

Project & Planning

Every day, construction projects pose new challenges for everyone involved. Planning and construction demand that all time-related, financial and legal risks are identified and controllable.