ISH 2019: Our new products
TECE novelties:
The flush plate, almost too beautiful for public toilets.

TECEsolid targets the market segment of public and semi-public toilets – areas where aesthetics are not exactly the top priority.
What can be developed further on a TECEdrainline shower channel to make it useful? Quite a bit in detail – except for the appearance from above.

Evo stands for Evolution – the new shower channel generation from TECE is not a break with the TECEdrainline virtues that have been tried and tested millions of times over, but rather is their consistent continued development.
It´s all under controll
WC-Modul with integrated hygienic flush

If drinking water stagnates in the pipeline, this can create hygiene problems. This is prevented by an automated fl ushing unit. TECE is breaking new ground here by installing hygienic fl ushing in the universal cistern
Refined surfaces for shower profile and toilet flushing

The bathroom as if made from a single unit: The new surface finishes for the TECEsquare metal toilet flush plate and the TECEdrainprofile shower profile
perfectly match the surfaces of standard fittings.
TECEprofil washstand module
Water meter quickly and easily installed

As an addition to the TECEprofil product range, a washstand module is now available for the simple installation of water meters directly under the washbasin.
Comfort and hygiene: Hair trap as an option

The two-part stainless steel hair trap can be easily removed for cleaning thanks to the tilting function.
Quick-Release fasteners for the modules

With the new quick fasteners, TECEprofil modules can be fastened more quickly and their depth can be adjusted more easily.
You can find us:
TECE at ISH | 11. – 15. März 2019
Halle 4, Ebene 0, Stand D96
We look forward to more great discussions!