Clear the stage for TECEspotlight
Digital innovations platform
Lights out - spotlight on! TECE is now presenting its new products on its own new stage. The digital, interactive TECEspotlight platform shines its spotlight on the highlights of the current new products and serves up all the relevant information at a glance in a user-friendly way.
With TECEspotlight, everything you need to know about the company's product highlights can be called up directly and without further ado – no important information is left out. Plumbers, planners, architects and end customers are presented with multimedia content in a clear and easy-to-navigate structure. Additional functional videos and separate download areas with photos, tender texts, technical data, etc. further enrich the information on the products presented. If users have individual questions, they can contact TECE directly via a contact button.
TECEspotlight provides targeted information on new products and therefore offers a focused alternative to the TECE website with its extensive range of information and services. This new platform is designed for the long term and for further expansion, but also offers an important alternative to product presentations in the tried and tested trade fair formats. It's worth taking a regular look at the platform, as it will continue to be updated with further product innovations during the year.