Fire protection set expandes
Competence: Installation & Assembly
TECE enhances the FireStop fire protection set for the TECEdrainpoint S point drainage with two sleeves for the drain sizes DN 70 and DN 100. Unlike the DN 50 variants, the sleeves are not installed in the ceiling structure but screwed directly under the ceiling.
The fire protection sleeves consist of housing containing a multilayer structure of intumescent materials. As soon as the temperature starts to increase as a result of a fire, the material foams up. The released foaming pressure is so high that it compresses the drain nozzles, permanently sealing them and preventing the spread of fire and smoke.
The FireStop fire protection set has been tested in accordance with DIN EN 13501 for fire resistance classes EI 90 and 120 in combination with PP-HT plastic pipes according to EN 1451.
The sleeves come in DN 90 and DN 110 dimensions and are designed for the TECEdrainpoint DN 70 and DN 100 drains. Unlike the fire-resistant sealing for the DN 50 drain, the sleeves, which have an installation height of only 26.6 millimetres, are not installed in the ceiling structure but are fastened under the ceiling. Backfilling of the penetration is therefore not required which means that the installation is quick and simple.