The right-hand TECEprofil installation wall in detail
Tub support made from TECEprofil

Whether for acrylic or steel bathtub: You can create stable and load-bearing tub supports in an instant with TECEprofil elements. Matching caps made from hard rubber provide a good support.
Diagonally, if you like

With TECEprofil, pre-walls can also be created at any angle under sloping ceilings. Niches in the pre-wall are also in trend - built in just a few steps with TECEprofil.

The room-hight TECEprofil wall forms the crowning glory of the bathtub pre-wall and, at the same time, creates the space for a walk-in shower. The TECEprofil attachment plate at the bottom left of the image serves to safely attach the tub anchor
Simple from beginning to the end: cladding the support frame.

Plasterboard is not your favourite building material. But it is easy for you to work with: Cladding the support frame is effortless with the practical TECEprofil panel plates.
The stable 18 mm-thick plasterboard panel in the handy size can be attached in a single layer.
Try it for yourself!

After completing a pressure test and leak test, the pre-wall is ready for the panel facing.

To avoid panel joints/transitions in the sanitary module area, the first whole panels should be installed in this area.

The rest of the panel facing is then attached. Finally, the horizontal panel facing is put in place.
Easier than you’d think
The panel plates are very easy to work with. You'll be done in just a few steps:

Mark the holes for the panel facing of the toilet module using the template enclosed in every module box.

Drill the holes.

Mount the plasterboard panels using self-tapping screws.