Dendrit Studio - Piping analyses
Software-supported planning and design of potable water, heating and gas installations is essential in modern building technology, especially when seen in the light of the complexity of standardisation.With the Dendrit STUDIO planning software from Hause Kemper, we offer you as a system partner the ability to reliably master the dimensioning of the TECEflex and TECElogo piping systems for the various trades. Alongside standardised dimensioning, you can also generate simulations of e.g. circulation systems as well as define the valve configurations.

The new Dendrit Studio offers the following functions:
- Superior project management
- Scheme generator for all piping analyses
Potable water piping analysis to DIN 1988-300:
- Interface with intelligent pump selection programs
- Circulation simulation
- Potable water hygiene system simulation
- Design of flowing potable water heating systems
Waste water piping analysis to DIN EN 12056 and DIN 1986-100
- Roof drainage for gravity flow and pressure flow
- U-value analysis in accordance with DIN EN ISO 6946
- Heat load analysis in accordance with DIN EN 12831, ÖNORM H7500
- Design of radiators and heating areas to DIN EN 1264 (underfloor heating) and DIN 4703-3 /VDI 6030 sheet 1 (radiator [two-pipe/one-pipe])
- Heating piping analysis
- EnEV - interface to energy consultant (Hottgenroth software)
- Cooling load analysis (VDI 2078)
- Design of cooling area to DIN EN 1264
- Gas piping analysis to DVGW-TRGI 2008
All applications fulfil the current norms and technical standards. It is possible to import VDI 3805 and other technical information. The catalogues of some well-known manufacturers have already been entered.
The Dendrit Studio software package is the solution to the most crucial planning tasks in housing technology.
If you have any questions about our software, please get in contact on We are happy to assist you.