Dry-wall construction
Dry-wall construction requires a TECE dry-wall module and the installation frame. Dry-wall modules of all installation heights can be combined with the flush-mounted installation frame.

Step 1 (dry-wall construction): To recess the plasterboard for the cistern inspection opening, the installation frame is fitted onto the polystyrene bare-wall protection. The measurements of the internal installation frame are used to cut the plasterboard panel.
Brick-wall construction
For brick-wall construction, a TECEbox brick-wall module as well as a larger bare-wall protection are required. Modules of all installation heights can be used in brick-wall construction too.

Step 1 (brick-wall construction): For flush-mounted assembly in brick-wall construction, the standard cistern bare-wall protection is exchanged for the brick-wall bare-wall protection system. After grouting on a suitable base (expanded metal, reinforcement fabrics or similar), the brick-wall bare-wall protection system can be disassembled again.

Step 2: After grouting (brick-wall construction) or attachment of the plasterboard panel (dry-wall construction), the respective bare-wall protection is removed.

Step 3: The installation frame including support frame is fixed to the grout or plasterboard panel using the factory fitted adhesive points.

Step 4: The depth of the installation frame can be set according to the tile thickness (5-18 mm). An additional upgrade set is available for heavier wall mounting (up to 33 mm).

Step 5: For tiling, the standard polystyrene bare-wall protection is placed on the installation frame. It can be removed again after tiling.