The Claim may well be new, but we've been living the message for a long time.
This year, TECE is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Our company developed from modest beginnings out of a passion for engineering, always asking the question: Can we do it better, more attractively, more easily?
Demands for products and services are increasing – and will continue to do so. The time came to respond to these new challenges and to analyse our DNA – our genetic substance – and adjust ourselves accordingly.
We are driven forward by closeness to customers and by the culture of asking questions – indeed, by curiosity itself. Only curiosity breeds innovation. This has been our philosophy for a long time, and now, our new brand claim, “close to you”, succinctly sums up the way we work.
Let me use the example of our new shower toilet to explain this further: TECEone is a product concept that has been completely rethought, driven by our curiosity and ur desire to work closely with our customers. For a start, this version of the shower toilet has no power supply. Studies show that this is exactly what the market is demanding. The advantage (and “close to you” factor) of this: Towards the middle of the year, you will finally be getting an inexpensive shower toilet with sustainable, proven technology that the industry itself can handle and which does not require electronics or software updates. In a recent test performed at Esslingen Technical College by order of the trade journal, SBZ, TECEone excelled with excellent performance data despite being a newcomer and despite the fact that we use alternative technology.
We had postponed the market launch of TECEone. We had come to the conclusion that delivery problems or even complaints would be worse for you and for our distribution channel than an unsold bathroom or a bathroom only equipped for TECEone. Like retailers and tradesmen, we sell systems and solutions – not problems. It was not easy for me to make this decision as, of course, we don’t make a living from sacrifice but from sales. However, the decision was definitely the right one, not least in light of our new brand statement.

By this I mean that:
- We have now got to the stage where we expect to be fully capable of delivering TECEone in the second half of the year. Good design for a fair price: The product is ready, as is the market – and the market launch is long overdue as the SBZ test shows.
- An essential component of our “close to you” claim is our commitment to staying by your side. Take our word for it – we want to be measured by this.