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Beautiful stays clean longer

More image-defining than the boardroom: the visitor toilet

Warum Unternehmen zunehmend in den halböffentlichen WC-Bereich investieren

Der halböffentliche Sanitärbereich ist in den vergangenen Jahren mehr und mehr ins Interesse der Innenarchitektur gerückt. Die WC-Bereiche in Hotellerie, Gastronomie, Behörden und Büros gelten als „Visitenkarten“ des Unternehmens und „transportieren oft das Image des Unternehmens prägender als jedes Vorstandsbüro“, so Peter Joehnk, Inhaber eines der größten reinen Innenarchitekturbüros Europas mit Sitz in Hamburg. Mit seinem Unternehmen JOI-Design hat er sich samt seiner 38 Innenarchitekten auf diesen Bereich in der Hotelbranche spezialisiert.

Zielgruppengerechte Planung für halböffentliche WCs

Laut Joehnk gibt es keine universelle Lösung für die Gestaltung der Besuchertoiletten. Stattdessen sind zielgruppengerechte Lösungen gefordert, die so unterschiedlich sind wie die Auftraggeber selbst. „An eine Toilette auf einer Autobahnraststätte oder einem Flughafen werden andere Ansprüche gestellt bezüglich Leistungsfähigkeit, Nutzungsfrequenz und Vandalismus-Sicherheit, als an ein WC im First-Class-Hotel.“  In enger Abstimmung mit dem Auftraggeber pendelt sich das Ziel dann irgendwo zwischen „sauberer Lösung“ und „WC mit Wow-Effekt“ ein. Gemeinsame Schnittmengen sind jedoch stets eine gute Benutzerführung, Hygiene und Reinigungsfreundlichkeit.

schön bleibt länger sauber - TECEsquare
TECEsquare II toilet flush plate in "Polished Red Gold", colour coordinated to washstand fitting and accessories.
Logistical aspects in the planning of visitor toilets

The interior designer Annette Hartmann has already developed a range of sanitary systems at JOI Design: "It starts with the gender divide – already here the logistics of toilets differs significantly." The urinal requires less space and as a result the men's area has a higher efficiency than a ladies' toilet with cubicles, which has in practice long since translated into the formation of queues. The planning process starts with the floor plan that is set in relation to the expected maximum number of users. Even only occasionally used toilet systems quickly become a hygiene problem and then the "calling card" of the house transforms into a shocking example", summarises Annette Hartmann.

Easier maintenance via high-quality solutions

The semi-public toilet is split into three zones: toilet and urinal system as well as the sinks. All three areas have undergone a significant design transformation to premium segment in recent years. Real materials such as natural stone replace the half-height white tiled wall of yesteryear. These days, lots of wall-mounted solutions such as flush plates and washing areas are built into the wall: reasons for this include the simpler cleaning and the greater security against theft and vandalism. Flush washstand countertops with undermounted sinks create high-quality shelf spaces and usually directly integrate the waste bin.

Living up to rising hygiene standards

Hygiene requirements have increased in recent years. The implementation accommodates contactless flush actuation at the urinal, contactless water flow at the washstand and a contactless soap and paper dispenser. "The great feeling of leaving the toilet clean is today also a question of technical equipment", says Hartmann. "Today we know – and this is statistically proven – that clean and modern sanitary systems are significantly important in influencing user behaviour, that is, they stay cleaner for longer and ensure more careful interaction between the visitor and the facility. There is no better case for good toilet architecture."

Bathrooms with a personal touch

An individual bathroom ambience with coordinated bathroom furniture, fittings, wall colour and accessories increases the design factor of the toilet and bathroom area. This special character can be emphasised with the right flush plate. TECE now supplies individual flush plates on request: with metallic and plastic surfaces, in the colours of your choice, to match bathroom fittings or bathroom furniture from other manufacturers. Companies who would like to integrate their branding image can also integrate their logo or brand statement on the flush plates - all carefully applied by our manufacturing service.

TECEloop aus Kunststoff im Look trendiger Wandfarben
Countless possibilities: here you can see TECEloop in the trendy wall colour look
TECE Betätigungsplatten - Metallic
Individual: also possible with printed logo or brand statement