The TECE hygiene box enables quick and easy thermal decoupling of the cold water
Two thermal videos taken about 45 minutes after the end of the tapping process:
Double wall disc vs. TECEflex hygiene box

For questions:
When installing bathroom fittings, the TECEflex hygiene box automatically fulfils the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance. The TECEflex hygiene box thermally decouples the hot water circulation from the fitting connection and thus reliably prevents heat transfer via the fitting body to the cold water side.
As an industrially prefabricated component, it protects the cold water from inadmissible heating above 25 °C.
With the TECEflex hygiene box, the circulation runs at a fixed distance above the fitting. Hot water is supplied via a short, vertical branch line. This is dimensioned in such a way that a stable stratification is created after the water is drawn off. This means that heat is no longer transferred to the fitting. In the past, circulation lines were often brought all the way up to the fitting in order to avoid stagnation in stub lines. However, this led to inadmissible heating of the fitting and the cold water side. The TECEflex hygiene box offers a simple and effective solution here.
Two thermal videos taken about 45 minutes after the end of the tapping process: