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TECElogo – Fittings & Pipes

The TECElogo push fitting

Construction site-compatible design and compact construction: This is how the TECElogo push fitting has been convincing for many years. Its high impact resistance results from the combination of the high-performance plastic PPSU® and fibre-reinforced polyamide. The latter is also used in the automotive industry, e.g. in chassis parts.

We use gunmetal and silicon bronze for the threaded fittings. All materials that come into contact with water are listed on the assessment bases and guidelines of the Federal Environment Agency and meet the requirements of § 17 of the potable water ordinance and are therefore ideally suited for use with drinking water. The TECElogo system is DVGW-certified for potable water installations.

Der Fitting vom Rohrsystem TECElogo-Push verfügt über Sichtfenster.
(1) Viewing window "white" when connection is plugged in
(2) Viewing window "dark" when connection is not plugged in

Further advantages

  • Inspection window shows the insertion depth at a glance
  • Viewing window can be rotated 360° even after insertion
  • Marking of the insertion depth on the pipe not necessary
  • Processing safety through automatic control after the plugging process. All windows white means: all connections correctly made
  • Connection remains permanently tight due to the clamping ring, even under pressure and tensile loads

The TECElogo composite pipe

Das TECElogo Verbundrohr verfügt über stabile Inliner und eine stumpfverschweißte Aluminiumschicht.
(1) Inliner (PE-RT or PE-Xc)               (2) Bonding agent
(3) Aluminium coating                     (4) White protective layer made of PE-RT

The TECElogo composite pipe combines the best properties of metal and plastic pipes. It convinces with outstanding bending and laying properties. This is due to the stable inliner and the butt-welded aluminium layer.

  • Linear expansion comparable to that of metal pipes
  • With butt-welded aluminium coating
  • Absolutely diffusion-tight
  • Can also be used in visible areas thanks to white cover layer
TECElogo Dimensionen

Dimensions from 16 to 63 mm

With TECElogo, you get everything you need for potable water and heating installations; in all common and also large dimensions from 16-63 mm. In addition to the standard push-fit variants, you can also use practical pre-assembled solutions with TECElogo, for example for installing wash basins or connecting radiators.

Das Rohrsystem TECElogo Push verfügt über mehrere verschiedene Fittinge.

No wish remains unfulfilled in the TECElogo product range

Plug-in fittings in all common dimensions from 16-63 mm are just as much a part of the range as simple pipe routing bends or even press-fit transitions to stainless steel or copper pipes. In short: everything that the demanding fitter needs on the building site. Here is a small selection of products from the TECElogo range that will make your daily work easier:

Universal thanks to plug-in technology

The TECElogo universal wall disc can be combined with any 20 mm TECElogo plastic fitting. In this way, the installer can simply attach any fitting - including T-piece and angle - onto the wall disc. Done. Universal. Versatile. Flexible.

One wall disc - all possibilities

  • Direct looping through by means of T-piece
  • Upper or lower supply to separate the routing of cold and hot water
  • Direct reduction possible

TECElogo Push insertion angle 90

TECElogo-Push universal double wall disc

TECElogo-Push push-in wall bushing with fixing nuts

Der TECElogo-Push Einsteckwinkel 90° kann in eingebaut werden, wenn es in Schächten eng wird.

The solution when it is tight in the shaft, for example.

Die TECElogo-Push Universal-Doppelwandscheibe bietet die Möglichkeit, den Anschluss schnell und einfach über die Wandscheibe durchzuschleifen.

The quick and easy way to loop the connection through via the wall disc.

Die TECElogo-Push Einsteck-Wanddurchführung mit Befestigungsmuttern reicht für eine Wandstärke mit 35mm.

The variable depth adjustment is sufficient for wall thicknesses of up to 35 mm and the TECElogo-Push connector can be plugged on directly. No matter whether angle, T-piece or coupling.