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For questions:

TECElogo - Processing

The installation system for the professional

"Quick, simple, easy": That's how you can answer someone who asks you about installing TECElogo-Push. Because with TECElogo-Push, you install everything in no time at all. We have designed the system so that you can work without heavy pressing tools. This saves you time, weight and costs.

Quick assembly

Where you no longer press, but only plug, you save time. Quite a lot: according to a study by the Münster University of Applied Sciences, the installers surveyed achieved a time advantage of up to 30 % compared to the systems they had been using up to now.

Easy assembly 

Installing the TECElogo-Push professional system is quick and easy:
(1) Cut to length, (2) Calibrate, (3) Plug in, done.

Das Rohrsystem TECElogo-Push kann ganz einfach zugeschnitten werden.

(1) Cut to length

Das Rohrsystem TECElogo-Push kann ganz einfach mit einem Kalibrierer aufgeweitet werden.

(2) Calibrate

Das Rohrsystem TECElogo-Push kann ganz einfach mit den Händen zusammengesteckt werden.

(3) Plug in

Quickly made, can be dismantled if necessary.
From 16 - 63 mm.

If you want to create a TECElogo Push connection, you only need one calibrator and your hands in each dimension. Two turns with the tool and a very small amount of force when plugging together guarantee a permanently tight connection. For potable water, heating or compressed air. For dimension 16 mm, 20 mm or also 63 mm. No danger of confusing the seals, no heavy pressing machines and no complicated work steps. Chamfer, plug in, finished.

Das Rohrsystem TECElogo-Push wird ganz einfach mit einem Kalibrierer aufgeweitet.
Die Verbindung vom Rohrsystem TECElogo Push können ganz einfach händisch gelöst werden.

Plugged in incorrectly, simply released

Quickly making the last connection and that's when it happens: you put on the wrong fitting! With TECElogo-Push, this is no problem: in just a few steps, you have unscrewed the fitting and can put on the correct one. Of course, you can reuse the pipe and fitting. This saves money and protects the environment. Quick, easy, safe: TECElogo.

Everything ready to hand

Das Rohrsystem TECElogo-Push verfügt über eine praktische Gürteltasche, in der das nötige Werkzeug verstaut werden kann.

With the practical TECElogo-Push belt bag, you always have all the tools you need right at hand. And the dimensions can be changed in seconds. Quick, simple, easy. Simply TECElogo-Push.

Lightweight suitcase

Der TECElogo-Push Koffer ist mit 1,5 kg deutlich leichter als die herkömmlichen Pressmaschinenkoffer mit 15 kg.

You will find everything you need to make or loosen a TECElogo push connection in this small case. What you won't find, however, are high purchase costs or a heavy weight compared to conventional pressing machines. And you won't find any annual maintenance costs either, because the same applies to tools for TECElogo-Push: quick, simple, light.

Well considered details for your everyday work on the construction site.

TECElogo - über Kopf

Above your head? Of course!

What weighs more: a pressing tool or your hands?
One thing is clear: If you only need your hands for the installation, you will have an easier time. This is especially true for working above your head.