„Temporary living"
In the modern Elisapart apartment building in Potsdam, TECEprofil with integrated hygiene flushing ensures automated operation of the drinking water system.
The Brandenburg region around the state capital Potsdam has been one of the train hotspots in Germany for several years. Available living space is in corresponding demand. This is precisely where the Elisapart apartment building comes in. The new building at the Sommerschloss, with 73 fully furnished, high-quality rooms ranging in size from micro-apartments to business flat suites, is an attractive alternative to hotels. Especially in the greater Berlin/Potsdam area, "temporary living" for business purposes is becoming increasingly popular.

Promising solution for historic site
Das Architektenbüro HemprichTophof spielte bei der Planung des neuen Komplexes mit den historischen Einflüssen und der besonderen zentralen Lage. Impulse vom lokalen Backstein-Expressionismus der 1920er-Jahre fließen in die Fassade ein. Die markant geformte äußere Gebäudestruktur, akzentuiert durch Natursteinelemente um die Fenster, gibt dem Neubau einen eigenen Charakter.
TECEprofil modules ensure flexibility
As great as the bridge to historySo groß die Brücke zur Geschichte im äußeren Erscheinungsbild ist, so modern präsentieren sich die Innenräume bis hin zum Bad. Die Planer entschieden sich für die Waschbecken- und Toilettenmodule mit Hygienespülkästen aus dem TECEprofil-Programm. is in the exterior appearance, the interiors present themselves as modern right down to the bathroom. The designers opted for the washbasin and toilet modules with hygienic cisterns from the TECEprofil range.
As great as the bridge to history is in the external appearance, the interiors present themselves in a modern way, right up to the bathroom. The planners opted for the washbasin and toilet modules with hygiene cisterns from the TECEprofil range.
Automatic hygiene flushing ensures drinking water quality
The use of the toilet module with integrated hygiene flushing is ideal for a reference like the Elisapart flat house with its 73 rooms. In facilities of this size, it can happen that rooms and sanitary facilities are not used regularly for a longer period of time.

©Elisapart Potsdam

In such cases, TECEprofil toilet modules with integrated flushing unit ensure automated operation of the drinking water system. Stagnation in the pipes is avoided and microorganisms cannot multiply in the first place, because the water in the pipe network is regularly and automatically replaced. Since the electronic hygiene flush is integrated in the cistern, the WC module can be installed directly. This also saves time and money during the construction phase, as no additional components are usually required. All components are pre-configured ex works. The compact system works completely autonomously and can be set and adapted to the respective requirements via app.
TECEloop flush plate picks up on round shapes
The living and bathroom areas welcome the residents with a discreetly restrained colour concept and coordinated shapes that give the furnishings a unifying element. The round shape of the table is continued by a large-format, circular mirror and finds its detailed conclusion in the TECEloop actuator plate in glass and white. With the choice of a glass version, the classically elegant design blends almost weightlessly into the bathroom.